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Biden administration sets first national standard to limit ‘forever chemicals' in drinking water

·1 min

The Biden administration has implemented the first national standard to limit ‘forever chemicals’ found in the drinking water in the United States. The new rule aims to reduce exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) or ‘forever chemicals.’ Water utilities will now have to filter out five specific forever chemicals. The regulation also sets a limit for mixtures of certain chemicals. PFAS chemicals are linked to various health problems, and nearly 97% of Americans have these chemicals in their blood. The new standard will reduce PFAS exposure for about 100 million people in the US. The rule includes different standards for different chemicals, and water treatment facilities will have time to implement the necessary changes. The Biden administration is allocating $1 billion in funding to help states and territories address the issue of PFAS contamination in public water systems. Critics argue that the standard should cover all chemicals in the class.